Monday, February 20, 2012

Home cooked meals

The appetizers

If you went over to your Spanish friend's house for lunch, like The Mister and I did this weekend, here's what the menu may be like (it was for us):

Cured cheese
Sausage slices
Potato salad with hard-boiled eggs, pickled asparagus and tuna.

First course (called the primero plato):
Spanish lentils made by your friend's mom (mothers always make them best), with bread to soak up the liquid.

Second course (segundo plato):
A whole fish, (fins, head and all - remember what I said about eating the whole animal?) sliced in half, drizzled with olive oil and broiled.

Dessert (postre):
Your choice of fresh strawberries, bananas or oranges, topped with a touch of whipped cream.

Spanish wine (of course)

Then, you try not to waddle out the door.

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