Thursday, November 4, 2010

If there were cones my odds would have been fifty-fifty

This is the shoe, after much vigorous sidewalk scraping. It's worse on the sides. 

So - you know how sometimes you are walking down the road, and you see paint lines on the street, and then you see footprints leading away from the paint? And you think - geez, what kind of idiot walks through wet paint?  

(*sheepishly raises hand*) 

Me.  I am that kind of idiot, apparently.

Today I was having on of those lucky days. Everything was going right.

I got paid for the first time, got my long-awaited health insurance card, got my schedule changed so that I now have Fridays off instead of Wednesdays (after a month of trying!), and found a cheap toaster oven in a little flea market shop, so I don't just have to eat soup and pasta for the next nine months.  It's a sunny, warm day in Málaga, and The Mister got off work an hour early, so we decided to meet for lunch in town.  I was walking to our meeting spot, blissed out over my good fortune, and thinking to myself "today is really your day, chica".

And then it happened.

The concrete turned slick under my feet. My foot slipped out from under me.  It was like I had stepped on jello, it was so slippery.  I barely caught myself from crashing to the sidewalk, and stumbled around for a  few steps like a crazed drunk, trying to regain my balance.

I had stepped right on a quarter-inch-thick coat of bright yellow street paint. 

There were no signs, no warnings, no cones.

Only construction workers taking a smoke break 20 yards away who couldn't help from guffawing a little bit.  To be honest, I didn't even blame them. "Sorry about your shoes" they offered, when it was clear that they were forever tainted by that annoyingly cheerful yellow paint.

"It's okay," I joked, "I didn't like the blue anyway."

And then I gathered the scraps of my dignity as best as I was able and I walked away.

Leaving a trail of bright yellow footprints in my wake.

Moral of the story: If you are walking along, thinking what a lucky day you have had so far, watch out for road hazards and stealthy wet paint. Karma will catch up with you at some point.
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1 comment:

  1. shoulda stepped in poop - it's good luck in spain! i stepped in it the day i met my mister!


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