Monday, November 1, 2010

Granada, Córdoba, Home

Cordoba Granada-103.jpg

Just got back home from our weekend travels.  Five quick things:

  1. La Alhambra and La Mezquita lived up to the hype.  Stunning.
  2. If ever in Cordoba, avoid ordering the flamenquin - essentially deep-fried log of pork - and then trying to swim, run or walk afterwards. It will weigh you down like a brick.
  3. It is deep autumn in the Spanish countryside, and it is lovelier than I imagined.
  4. A tea house is a good way to spend a rainy afternoon with friends.
  5. A new place always starts to feel like a home for me the first time I go away for a few days and then come back.  Driving into Málaga, feeling the sunshine and the sea breezes after days of chilly rain - it all felt homey this time.
I took the photograph of Granada above early Saturday morning from the balconies of La Alhambra, proving once again that some things occasionally are better than sleep - very occasionally.

Back tomorrow with more pictures and stories.  
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  1. it was a pretty cool morning with the clouds lying so low. sarah captured it perfectly.

  2. @Debbie - Haha I know, we are sort of lacking in guest room space - our apartment is a studio and the size of a shoebox! We will have to figure some things out...


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