Monday, July 2, 2012


Ah yes, America. It still is as big and sassy as ever, with an added dash of spicy summer heat. 

We've been back for a week now and it's going to take a while to fully reorient ourselves. Things that have seemed strange include:

  • Almond butter, peanut butter, cashew butter, sunflower butter and on and on
  • How efficient the security line at the airport is - everyone seems to know the drill. No mass confusion: what? I have to take my shoes off? Both of them?
  • Everything really is huge, you guys. Houses. Wide avenues. Elevators. Bathrooms. Sodas. Dogs. Cars. People (you knew I had to say it).
  • Dollar bills are really terribly designed currency once you think about it. All the same color and size regardless of denomination? Confusing. And so long and skinny.
  • Dr. Pepper and bagels and 100% beef burgers with cheddar cheese.
  • Technology. Man it has been racing along. All these apps and mobile bar codes and cool gadgetry.
  • Flavors that have been largely absent from our lives: beer with lime, buffalo wing sauce, chipotle peppers.
  • All the English. I can't tune out a background conversation with the same ease. 
  • Everyone keeps trying to eat lunch at 12, or worse, 11:30. I still think of it as breakfast.
  • American flags are everywhere

Do you know how great it is though to be able to have a phone and talk and text with friends and family? After two years of email-based communications, it still feels pretty novel to get an instantaneous response. 

Spain is lovely, and it's hard not to fall in love. But I was out in the car yesterday and saw a huge American flag rippling across the wide, blue desert sky - the widest and bluest sky in the world - and I though that yes, yes indeed, I am glad to be back.
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  1. i lurve almond butter. there's even this fancy brand at sprouts and whole foods with a square container and white label that has an added maple component.

  2. Welcome home! You have some catching up to do. I hope you kept that tutorial on Siri.

  3. All those things we take for granted - thanks for the reminder. And welcome home! I know I feel better now that you're on American soil.


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