Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rain and sickness


It's been a beautiful winter here, full of warm and sunny days. This weekend it's supposed to rain though, pretty much straight through, and I tell you, I am ready for it. I miss the rain. 

It seems that all of Málaga is sick right now, especially if you are under the age of 10. Today I showed up to my private class to find an impromptu sick house - three children laying on couches amidst blankets, tissues and thermometers. Great. 

I began class and within an hour one looked at me with enormous eyes and said "I have to throw up." And then she did. In the toilet, thankfully, but nonetheless I'd had enough. I called it a wrap for the day and went home to take a scalding hot shower in an attempt to disinfect myself. Note to parents: just call and cancel the English lesson for the day, please.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a weekend in - just me and my own germs, thank you very much.
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  1. OH my. Some people just don't get it when it comes to not infecting every person they know. I knew a lady once who brought her kids to church whenever they were sick. She even brought them with chickenpox. I was NOT happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope you don't get it honey.
    Love Aunt Jill

  2. Um. Yeah. All my private lesson students have been sick too, and they don't cancel class. WTF??? Now I'm sick!

  3. Yeah, people are sick here too, it's just a part of winter. I don't understand people that go around infecting others either. I was supposed to go to reupholstery class today, but I'm sick, so I stayed home, mostly because I don't feel well, but even if I did feel better, I wouldn't want to give it to everyone else. When my kids are sick, I keep them home, and I wish everyone else would do the same...I think a lot of colds could be avoided that way and everyone would be more productive in the end. And you can have some of our rain if you want, we have way too much! ;)

  4. Luckily I took a long nap yesterday, took some Claritin and am feeling okay. Those little devils.

    Also, Mother Theresa, I love your screen name and I'm secretly hoping that your real name isn't even Theresa because that's even funnier.


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