Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Mister gets taken to school

I know this isn't the photographic quality you all have come to expect.  But this is what you get when I blog, so tough luck.

The Mister here.

As a disclaimer before continuing with this post, I would like to point out that Spaniards on the whole have been unbelievably friendly, helpful, and welcoming.  And as for my experience described below, I'm not positive that it was meant seriously or as a joke.  Possibly a mix of the two.  Anyways, I digress.

Upon walking into the staff room at my school, opening my shoulder bag (NOT a man purse, despite what Sarah thinks.  No really, it's just a laptop bag.  Don't listen to her.) and finding myself without my trusty #2 hexagonal pencil, no rounds here thank you, with the extra cap eraser on top (you know the kind, they become necessary because the eraser that comes attached to the pencil is designed to last approximately 0.3 seconds), I took immediate action.

Not yet having intimately familiarized myself enough with my surroundings to know where the school supplies are kept, I did the obvious and spoke to the person nearest to me.  I told her, in an extremely polite manner, that, alas, I had forgotten my pencil and asked if she would be kind enough to tell me where I could find another.  She didn't immediately respond, but instead gave me a quizzical look, which left me wondering if I had completely murdered my Spanish when I spoke to her, but I dismissed that outright since I had definitely been thinking about what I was going to say for like 5 minutes before I even said anything.

She looked at me for so long that I began to think that maybe I had accidentally spoken to her in English without thinking about it.  Finally there was movement.  She pursed her lips, furrowed her brow, and said, "Look, wait here", and walked out of the room with purpose.  I was a little surprised, and still not even sure if she understood me, so I continued on to the next closest person and asked him if he knew where I could find a pencil.  He promptly produced one from his bag, I thanked him, sat down, and started writing.

A few minutes later the woman I had first spoken to came marching back into the room with her hands full.  I immediately hid my newfound pencil in my pocket and stood up to meet her halfway.  She motioned and told me to stay seated.  She came right up to the table where I was sitting and put down the objects in her hand one at a time while saying, "Look, here you have a red pen, a pencil, another pen, an eraser, and a roll of tape.  Now you've got everything you could possibly need, so never ask me for anything ever again".

I was too stunned to do anything except say thank you and then continue looking stunned.  I'm choosing to believe that she has a very dry sense of humor and meant it as a joke, but we haven't spoken since, so I'm not really sure.  

Either way, I've got a red pen, which every teacher needs, especially one teaching English in Spain, AND one of those sweet pens that has four different color pens inside it, including green.  I mean, where else can you find a green pen?  I definitely came out the winner.

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  1. Christ, that´s a rough one. Tell her to shove it.

  2. UH. Who could do without a green pen??? Duh.

    "It's not easy being green." -Kermit.

    Keep that in mind.

  3. Perhaps she was thrown off by the word "alas."

  4. Man, you have a way with the ladies. Ha...


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