Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Extra sharp is the only way to go

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I love extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I eat it straight.  Who needs a cracker to get in the way? That only dilutes the flavor.

Guess what you can't really get in Spain?

Extra sharp cheddar cheese.

(of course)

So, when my parents came out, they put a frozen block of cheddar in their suitcases, thinking that they could get here to Spain before it completely thawed out and spoiled.

And they were right!

You can't imagine my level of joy.

I sliced it into four hunks: one to eat now and three for the freezer, to be pulled out each month.

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I don't want to feel so weird here - if you were out of your country and didn't have access to all your normal favorites, what's the thing you would most want someone to smuggle to you?
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  1. Oh. My. Gosh. So jealous. I need to tell my parents to try that trick when they come. That, and a jar of dill pickles.

  2. My parents usually bring me Reese's peanut butter cups and Revlon make-up. And if only they could bring me some sushi ...

  3. We made a list of all the favorite things we couldn't get in AZ after we moved here. We just got our shipment of Maltex from Fred's daughter. It's a malted barley hot cereal that we think is great - but NO ONE sells it around here. So I can empathize with you completely!

  4. When I lived in France, I made anyone who was coming to visit bring me a jar of Potbelly's hot peppers. Mmmmmm hot peppers.

  5. I am afraid to admit to Marmite

  6. I love these responses! Dill pickles (The Mister wholeheartedly agrees with you on that one), sushi, Maltex, Potbelly's peppers, Marmite.

    Sounds like a fabulous meal.


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