Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Thanksgiving Birthday

Last night was my early birthday dinner with my family.  My birthday isn't until next weekend, but I'll be gone from the desert at that time.  Since I will be missing Thanksgiving and Christmas this year in addition to my birthday, I requested that my birthday dinner be a holiday feast!  I love holiday food and always think it's a shame that it's all lumped up on one side of the year. I think we should have at least one holiday a month that necessitates a whole turkey.

We had turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, and Mom's famous pumpkin cheesecake (only she couldn't find pumpkin in September after visiting three separate stores, so it became sweet potato cheesecake, which was surprisingly completely awesome).

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Sweet potato casserole, I will miss you

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Can you make green bean casserole in Spain?

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Jellied cranberry sauce with the can lines still in it - an ironic Thanksgiving classic at our house.  We always have the fancy kind of cranberries on standby, but everyone just eats this instead

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The dog thinks it's HER birthday feast
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  1. Sarah, you are killing me with the canned cranberries! But a family tradition is just that... a tradition you hold on to. Glad you got your Thanksgiving meal... We are making one for Claude early in Nov, since that is when he'll be stateside. Think we'll have access to pumpkin (and fresh cranberries) by then!

    One more day in AZ... you're gonna miss this marvelously dry heat, right? We are sure going to miss you.

    Travel safe.

  2. Thanksgiving is the best. I can't wait! And we are also all about the canned cranberry sauce. It just wouldn't be Thanksgiving without it!

  3. The first time I saw "real" cranberry sauce, I looked at it a bit askance. To me, real cranberry sauce came in a can and miraculously slid out into the long serving dish with the can lines intact. I'm glad you got your Thanksgiving Birthday Feast and can take your fond memories with you to Spain. No extra luggage charge for memories!

  4. I can smell the turkey, yummy! Safe travels honey. Can't wait to hear the next adventure.
    Much love,
    Aunt Jill

  5. "Everyone" does not eat the fake cranberry mess!


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