Tuesday, November 24, 2009

100% true story

The Mister and I have been working hard on our Spanish. Both of us have always wanted to speak another language, and we currently nurture dreams for the not-too-distant future that include spending lots of time in Spain. Anyway, so we're at the point in our learning where what we really need are live conversations, mainly to help us improve our confidence.

So we found a few Spanish meetup groups on meetup.com (by the way, meetup.com is a little like the public library; awesome resource that not enough people use. We are in two Spanish meetups and a photography group and they have thousands of groups on all different themes: cooking, scrapbooking, reading, football, stay-at-home bilingual moms, and so on. In the internet age, there's truly no excuse for being bored or not having any place to meet new friends. So go on, and go forth).

So last night was our first night at this particular Spanish learning group. We timidly gave our competency level at beginner/intermediate, which turned out to be a mistake, as we're probably more like intermediate/advanced for this particular group. I don't feel braggy saying that, because I know that everyone here knows the feeling of fitting into a smaller size jeans that they thought they were, and this was exactly like that, so you all understand.

So we ended up doing a lot of worksheets, which we were a little bored with, to be honest, until we recieved a new list of phrases to translate.

You're very nice.

You're great.

At this point I'm thinking: "Oh, how nice! We're learning to be friendly."

You're very attractive.

I'm interested in you.

I like you very much.

"Well, that's a bit forward."

Do you like me too?

Can I kiss you?

Will you take me home?

"Hang on..."

Do you want to come inside for awhile?

Is this a local or national custom?

At this point, if you think The Mister and I weren't nearly purple from holding in our belly laughs, then you don't know The Mister and I very well. I was trying so hard to avoid eye contact with him, because I knew I would lose it completely if I did. My whole body was shuddering from the effort.

I'm not used to this.

I don't mind watching but I'd rather not join in.

I'll try it.

The Mister leans over: "Are we on candid camera?"
And, finally:

I'm sorry. It's against my religion.

And with that, we lost it.
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  1. ...can't.....stop........laughing! Oh, my!!! :-0

  2. So.... that was.... for real??!

  3. NO WAY! Dod they take "Meet Up" a little too seriously? Sounds like Spanish Hook Up group - yikes!!!!!!!

  4. Yes, this absolutely happened. We wish we had a scanner to scan the handout.


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