Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What if I win?

The Mister and I got early ballots in the mail today for a county council election.

There's only one race, and the candidate is running unopposed, so theoretically filling out the ballot shouldn't be too hard.

But The Mister didn't like the candidate. At all. So, he informed me, he was voting for a write-in candidate that he thought he would like better.

Then he wrote my name. MY name. Mine.

My first vote for public office.

Tee hee.
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  1. I received an early ballot, as well. I had planned on ignoring it, but you've inspired me. I'm writing in your name, as well.

  2. I would totally vote for you. Please run for something! (In my district, preferably).

  3. You guys crack me up. How hilarious would it be if I got a call from the county registar to validate my identity because they have to accurately record votes?

    P.S. Talk about a grassroots campaign. The greats could learn from me, they really could.

  4. I would vote for you in a heartbeat!


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