Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Okay, as long promised I’ll give you more than one line of blogging this time.

I’ll give you two.

Just kidding.

So, here’s what’s been up lately in G-ski-land:

- My new job! I really like it so far. I’m doing public relations at a global software firm. It’s about 20 minutes away (not too bad), my coworkers seem super nice so far, and the job duties are right up my alley. They also seem like a pretty flexible employer, which is a huge plus. I’m starting my third week there and so far, all is well.  A job with a free soda fountain (including Diet Dr. Pepper) is heavenly.

-Last weekend for Memorial Day we took a little road trip out to southern California. We visited my sister-in-law Kim in San Diego for two days (seeing as she happens to be super cool AND live right on the beach, it’s hardly a chore to visit) and our friends Hoku and Jer and their new baby Tea in Orange County. Tea and I hung out and relaxed and she was in fact so relaxed that she had a little diaper blowout right on my lap and on my shirt. She’s so cute that it didn’t even matter. Although her mortified parents were full of laments that their daughter would take such liberties, I couldn’t help it - I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt.

-Africa is taking my friends away this summer.

- I liked both Adam and Kris and thought it was pretty cool that Kris won. And I downloaded his “Heartless” cover. Somewhere Kanye is punching a hole in the wall.
- What’s with the bullet points, weirdo?
- Ron is growing some facial hair. I like it. I like it a lot.

- I just finished reading the classic novel “Rebecca” by Daphne DuMaurier. It’s amazing. If you're into books, read it.

- Does anyone out there have a really good recipe for homemade hummus? I am a hummus fiend but I can’t seem to get it to taste just right when I make it at home.
The End.
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  1. Check this out:

    There are a number of other hummus recipes at www.allrecipes.com

  2. What is it with homemade hummus? I can't get it right either.

    I would looove to know what we're doing wrong, since I eat my weight in that stuff every day.


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