Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oh, This Is Why I Never Had a Boy Band Crush

Sorry for the long absence - I can't help it - I've been drowning under Twilight. Don't judge. (You're judging. I can feel it.) Two weeks ago I was on my way back from New York city, stuck in the airport in a heavy fog with no takeoff for hours in sight and I wandered into the Borders and picked up the first book. And then my productivity levels dropped to an alarmingly low level for the next week as I waited to resurface.

I liked the books a lot, although I'm under no illusions that they are particularly well written (do not, do not compare them to Harry Potter please! That is blasphemy, I tell you. Harry is the real deal). The biggest surprise was that I found myself totally swooning for this Edward Cullen guy, along with every 15-year-old girl in the country. And it made me laugh a little bit, because it finally hit me that my almost total lack of celebrity crushes throughout my life has been a lie I've been telling myself- I'm actually deeply in love with my literary leading men. I'm not as immune to fictional love as I thought, apparently.

Upon further reflection on this very serious topic, I'm sharing them with you. But don't forget: they're taken. All of them.

1. Rhett Butler. You will always be first in my heart, Rhett. A.L.W.A.Y.S. Rhett was a badass before being a badass was even in style. I've read Gone With the Wind so many times that I literally had pages falling out of my copy and I had to get a new one. The "new" one is already showing signs of wear and tear. I estimate I'll be on copy #4 by the time I'm 30.

The rest are on no particular order:

Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, I love you.
Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables, I think I love you too.
Almanzo Wilder from Laura Ingalls Wilder's books, you get bonus points for actually being a real man. (And a total babe, if you like the whole 1880s grim-looking-photograph thing.)
Mr. Knightley from Emma, you can come too.
Robbie Turner from Atonement (the book please, not the movie)....um wow. You can write weird letters to me anytime you want.

And now my new addition to the list: Edward Cullen. Read. Faint. Repeat.

Okay, please tell me I am not alone in this!!! Who are your literary loves? Even the embarrassing ones (Twilight isn't exactly classy literature and I went for it, so all shame is gone!)

Come on, fess up.

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  1. Marius of Les Misrables... and Mr.Darcy goes without saying!

  2. I know their love is a bit incestuous (or completely incestuous) but I love Edmund Bertram of Mansfield Park. But marrying your cousin was okay-ish then, right?

    And all other leading men in Jane Austen novels.

    And...Maarten Troost. Is that weird? I know he's a real person, and not romantic in the slightest, but if I could marry the guy, I totally would.

    And, to join you in the shame, Edward Cullen.

  3. I am going to have to agree with you with Rhett Butler. I seriously skipped pages in that book just so I could spend more time with him than Scarlet. Ashley is such a pansy.

    I think my recent number one crush is Howl from Howl's Moving Castle, the movie not the book (he isn't as sexy in the book) Of course Christian Bale's voice helps... But I seriously get butterflies in my belly when I watch that movie... /dreamy sigh..

    And if I could kiss Spike from Cowboy Bebop I totally would. Even though he is a skinny dude.

    And finally, I've always had a crush on Link from Legend of Zelda. But his character becomes confusing after you play being him for awhile... I will take the N64 Oracle of Time version please =)


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