Friday, July 22, 2011

Food. Or "food"?

This is the kitchen staff's idea of an apple. Sad, isn't it?

Also pictured is the kitchen staff's idea of an appropriate, balanced meal. I call it "A Meditation on the Nutritional Value of Beige." Also known as "Just Throw It All in the Fryer."


It might be better though than just chopping up a bunch of vegetables and throwing them in boiling water. For, you know, an hour or two. Until everything's pulpy and flavorless and has the nutritional value of a toothpick. Even copious amounts of pepper couldn't spice it back up.

Foodies, please avert your eyes. Come to think of it, the rest of you should avert your eyes too.
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  1. Could be worse - we haven't had a single day of sunshine until today.

  2. Come to the Pyrenees. We have better food-and sunshine.

  3. @Cat - ugh! we've had beautiful weather at least, so I'm chalking that up in the bonus column.

    @Elizabeth - I'VE HEARD! Everyone's eyes are jealously focused on you.

    @ Richelle - agreed.

  4. Oh how I miss it! Glad someone is giving the Gredos kitchen staff their 15 minutes of fame haha


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