Friday, January 7, 2011

You ready for this?

Still traipsing around Italy, but I will be back blogging with a vengeance on Monday. I have so much to tell you guys, including but not limited to topics such as: phallic symbols as ancient navigation aids, the single most French thing I've ever seen, trying to eat the best pizza in the world while avoiding getting taken out by the mafia, and my personal encounters with the pope. Are you intrigued yet? Come back Monday for the full story.

P.S. This post brought to you courtesy of my iPhone and my sister Hannah, who emailed saying that I better post soon or else. Or something to that effect.
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  1. so you went to pompeii and were nearly run over in naples? sounds like we had a pretty similar trip...! enjoy, as i am already back to real life. just sans camera.

  2. Details my dear friend and quickly please!

  3. Have missed you. Love, Aunt Wendy


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