Monday, October 18, 2010

The stress is worth it

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It finally feels like we're settling in to life here.  The first few weeks are all about getting your feet under you and, quite literally, a roof over your head.  Trying to figure out how exactly to get an apartment, pay your utility bill, open a bank account, menu plan, and navigate public transportation all combines to make a  soupy mixture of  equal parts absurdity, hilarity, and stress.  Not angry kind of stress, but the rolling-my-eyes-because-I-can't-imagine-how-many-ways-in-which-this-could-go-wrong kind of stress.

But now we have these things worked out, more or less, and it's all coming together like individual fibers weaving into a strong rope.

It's felt incredibly nice to relax, lay back, and inhale Spain.  The smells - fresh baking bread, salty sea air and a faint whiff of tobacco.  The sights - palm trees waving gently in the sunshine, white stucco walls with black wrought-iron rails over the windows, exploding with flowers and color.  The feel - adventure, spontaneity, intrigue.

I am enchanted by this new home.
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  1. ¡¡¡Que guay tu vida!!! LOVED meeting you yesterday and am psyched to get to know you more and learn from your blogging. (i´m such a wannabee baby boomer there hope?!)

    Have a Tinto de Verano day!

  2. Thanks for describing the smells - one doesn't often get to experience this when reading a travelogue. I'd forgotten that Europe is not as non-smoker friendly as the USA, however, you make it sound almost romantic.

    I'm so glad that you're able to sit back, relax and truly enjoy your experiences there!


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