Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Setting Goals

Picture credit: The Mister.
Interesting use of light, eh?
I like it.
I also like how my right eye makes me look slightly alien-ish.

Speaking of me being alienish and odd:
I have decided to run a 5k this year
Or should I say,
a 5k has decided that I should run it.

February 27th, to be exact.

How is someone that hates running deciding to run a 5k, you ask?

Here is the story:

My friend Tara did this program a few months ago called "Couch to 5k". Starts out slow, builds up endurance. I heard her story and looked at her pictures of being tired and pink-cheeked after the run, and she looked so proud.

I thought, I want to look like that! And I want to enjoy this young, healthy body when I can. You never know when either of those things will slip out from under you.

So, I had sort of wanted to do it, but I knew I wouldn't stick with it unless I had a specific end-date, and friends to come along. So the other day I emailed Tara and another friend Heather (who had decided to start the program the week before I did), and told them about this February 27th gig, and asked them if they wanted to all do the same race. Get a little peer pressure factor on this thing. They said Yes!, and Yes! and now I am in shoulder deep.

Nervous? Yes.
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  1. Good for you! (And not me!)It's always a plus when you do something that challenges you, and I assure you that if I took up running (because I'm NOT a runner), I would be a better person somehow. I think I'll try to accomplish that "better person" thing some other, less painful, way. You go girl!

  2. Hooray!

    My advice (although I'm a total novice): it's 99.9% mental. Push past the "blah, I don't want to" and "I #@&! hate this" and it kinda becomes...dare I say fun? I find that the first two miles always always make me want to kill myself (or stop), and beyond that I can turn my mind off, crank up the music, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Oh, and invest in a really good pair of shoes. Your feet will thank you.

    I wish we could run together! Good luck!!

  3. When you run, you will feel His pleasure! (A bit of running wisdom from Chariots of Fire, since I have never ran a day in my life!) I am glad you have a fresh challenge with friends to share in the story... you are sure to succeed and be pretty in pink in no time!!!


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